Check out our new
page! Until now it had never occurred to us to take the nice comments that we receive here at Junk In Our Trunk and give them their own page. Sadly (blushing) we hadn’t really even thought to keep track of them until now so the page is sparse but sure to grow! And just so you know, we’re not trying to brag,
really we’re not, but when we get feedback like this (such as the customer comments below) we can’t help but shout it from the rooftops.
"I recently bought a necklace off of your site and I just wanted to thank you:
1) For shipping to Canada...I know a lot of American companies won't do that. And thanks for sending it so quickly with out insane shipping fees.
2) For packaging everything so nicely - that gives me confidence for ordering off of your site for gifts in the future.
3) For sending along a sample of something - a nice touch.
4) For the other indie company coupons - I'm always interested in finding what alternative/small businesses are doing out there and found some great Christmas gift ideas (definitely bookmarked a lot of those sites).
So thank you very much for your excellent service and terrific product. Best of luck with your business. I'll definitely be a return customer."
Guess we’re doing something right!
Yay us! ;)